
“The General Assembly, determined to encourage strict compliance with the purposes and principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations…recalling the statements of the Heads of state or Government at the Ibero-American Summits concerning the need to eliminate the unilateral application of economic and trade measures by one State against another that affect the free flow of international trade…taking note of declarations resolutions of different intergovernmental forums, bodies and Governments that express the rejection by the international community and public opinion of the promulgation and application of measures of the kind referred to above…once again urges States that have and continue to apply such laws and measures to take the necessary steps to repeal or invalidate them as soon as possible in accordance with their legal regime…requests the Secretary-General…to prepare a report on the implementation of the present resolution in the light of the purposes and principles of the Charter and international law and to submit it to the General Assembly at its sixty-sixth session…” [Con Embargo]

“Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba,” United Nations General Assembly, UN.org, October 26, 2010