
“The Cuban Assets Control Regulations were issued by the U.S. Government on 8 July 1963 under the Trading With the Enemy Act in response to certain hostile actions by the Cuban government. They are still in force today and affect all U.S. citizens and permanent residents wherever they are located, all people and organizations physically in the United States, and all branches and subsidiaries of U.S. organizations throughout the world…The basic goal of the sanctions is to isolate the Cuban government economically and deprive it of U.S. dollars…Criminal penalties for violating the sanctions range up to 10 years in prison, $1,000,000 in corporate fines and $250,000 in individual fines.-U.S. Department of the Treasury, Office of Foreign Assets Control, June 16, 2004”

“About the Embargo,” Thanksgiving Coffee Company at endtheembargo.com, October 2005