“[William] Bill Clinton (January 20, 1993—January 20, 2001). Democratic. Clinton was elected into office at 46, making him the 3rd youngest president. He was the first president of the baby boomer generation. He graduated from Yale Law School. Clinton was involved in a scandal with a White House intern, which nearly got him impeached. Despite […]
“November 24 [1992]. The United Nations General Assembly votes heavily in favor of a measure introduced by Cuba asking for an end to the U.S. Embargo. The vote is 59 in favor, 3 against (the U.S., Israel and Romania), and 79 abstentions. State Department spokesman Joe Snyder in the LA Times; ‘The Cuban government, in […]
“November [19]92: OFAC [Office of Foreign Assets Control] introduced some amendments in its regulations in order to redefine and restrict the exception made to travel restrictions meant for ‘professional research’; it banned ‘market research’ travel by American private companies and consultants; and it forbade third-country nationals to introduce Cuban cigars and rum in the United […]
“23.10.92 President [George H. W. Bush] signed the Torricelli Bill into law, under pressure from the support then-candidate Bill Clinton gave this bill during his campaign trips to Florida.” [Pro Embargo] “George H. W. Bush (R). Timeline,” Cuba versus Blockade: Cuban People’s website, 2007 […]
“October 15 [1992]. U.S. Congress passes the Cuban Democracy Act, which prohibits foreign-based subsidiaries of U.S. companies from trading with Cuba, travel to Cuba by U.S. citizens, and family remittances to Cuba. The law allows private groups to deliver food and medicine to Cuba. (At this time, 70% of Cuba’s trade with U.S subsidiary companies […]
“18.04.92 President [George H. W.] Bush, in a public statement, instructed the Department of the Treasury to further tighten maritime transportation of people and goods to and from Cuba, through regulations prohibiting entry into American ports to third-country vessels engaged in trade with Cuba. This measure was a predecessor to the regulations that were later […]
“February 5 [1992]. U.S. Congressman Robert Torricelli introduced the Cuban Democracy Act, and says the bill is designed to ‘wreak havoc on the island.’” [Con Embargo] Jerry A. Sierra, “Economic Embargo Timeline,” HistoryofCuba.com […]
“27.09.91 The Department of the Treasury announced the reduction to up to US$500 for expenses of Cuban-Americans visiting his relatives resident on the island. This measure also includes the reduction in the amount of money Cuban exiles can send to their relatives in Cuba to US$300 every three months.” [Pro Embargo] “George H. W. Bush […]
“24.07.91 The U.S. Senate, in the context of the debates of the Foreign Assistance Bill, passed several amendments geared to impose a series of conditions on the Soviet Union to be the recipient of American foreign aid. Among these conditions were halting military and economic assistance to Cuba.” [Pro Embargo] “George H. W. Bush (R). […]
“20.02.91 The United States Senate passed the Mack Amendment as part of the Exports Administration Act. The purpose of this amendment is similar to that of previous occasions.” [Pro Embargo] “George H. W. Bush (R). Timeline,” Cuba versus Blockade: Cuban People’s website, 2007 […]