“10/09/1984 Arrival of a group of Americans jurists of the American Lawyer’s Guild take part in the first scientific symposium on politics and ideology and their relations with law. They expressed their willingness to legally fight the Reagan Administration’s travel restrictions to Cuba.” [Con Embargo] “Ronald W. Reagan (R). Timeline,” Cuba versus Blockade: Cuban People’s website, 2007 […]
Category: quotes
“23.11.83. The Office for Foreign Assets Control of the Treasury Department announced that it had reasons to believe that certain materials with nickel content imported from the USSR contain Cuban nickel. The note included the detention at Customs of materials directly or indirectly imported from the USSR and that consideration was given to the requirement […]
“04.10.83 President [Ronald W.] Reagan signed the Radio Broadcasting to Cuba Act, starting Radio Martí, by means of which the U.S. government committed a flagrant act of aggression to the Cuban sovereignty.” “Ronald W. Reagan (R). Timeline,” Cuba versus Blockade: Cuban People’s website, 2007 […]
“05.08.83 Section 212 (b) (97 Stat. 385; 19 USC 2702 (b) of Title II of the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act (PL 98-67; 97 Stat. 394; IP USC 2701-2706) — which establishes the free treatment of taxes for the majority of imports from designated countries of the Caribbean Basin– excluded Cuba from the list of […]
“15.05.82 In order to reduce Cuba’s hard-currency revenues from U.S. tourists, the Cuban Assets Control Regulations were amended; and the provision establishing limited imports for U.S. travellers to Cuba (31 CFR 515.560) was tougher to authorize imports of up to U.S. $100 only for U.S. officials or foreigners on official visits to Cuba; media people […]
“April 19 [1982]. The Reagan Administration reestablishes the travel ban, prohibits U.S. citizens from spending money in Cuba, and allows the 1977 fishing accord to lapse.” [Pro Embargo] Jerry A. Sierra, “Economic Embargo Timeline,” HistoryofCuba.com […]
“01.03.82 The Regulations for the Export Administration (15 CFR 385.1 (b) (1) of the Commerce Department included Cuba on the list of countries regarded as sponsoring acts of international terrorism (47 FR 16623). Exports of certain sensitive products (crime control and products detention, military vehicles and products especially designed for the production of military equipment) […]
“29.01.82 The Cuban Assets Control Regulations of the Treasury Department were amended adding an Appendix to Section 515.536 which reproduces the Office of Foreign Assets Control Note to Customs…on the procedures to follow for the detention of publications without licenses issued by the mentioned Office, coming from Vietnam, North Korea, Cambodia, Cuba.” [Pro Embargo] “Ronald […]
“13/11/1981 The U.S. Senate passes a resolution prohibiting to allocate federal resources to promote trade with Cuba.” [Pro Embargo] “Ronald W. Reagan (R). Timeline,” Cuba versus Blockade: Cuban People’s website, 2007 […]
“Ronald Reagan (January 20, 1981—January 20, 1989). Republican. Prior to becoming a politician Ronald Reagan had been a radio broadcaster and actor. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in sociology and economics. As president, Reagan implemented new economic policies that became known as ‘Reaganomics.’” “U.S. Presidents,” TotallyHistory.com […]