“4/02/2002 Asked about the increase of US visitors to Cuba, despite restrictions from Washington, the Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Pérez Roque said to PL that this tendency ‘is like a snowball wildly rolling over, threatening to crush those who still advocate for the blockade, although they are a powerful minority’. He pointed out that in […]
Category: quotes
“Washington, Jan 28 [2002]…The US Agriculture Sector loses up to 1.240 million usd (United States dollars) a year on exports as a result of the embargo this country imposes against Cuba, according to a report published today by the Cuba Policy Foundation. The report, written by two experts on agronomy, pointed out that 20 states […]
“…a December 2001 vote in the Senate indicated strong support for lifting restrictions on the finance of sales of U.S. agricultural products to Cuba.” [The 15th of the month used for date sorting purposes.] [Con Embargo] “History of U.S. Policy,” Cuba Policy Foundation […]
“November 30 [2001]. The U.S. government turns down a Cuban offer to compensate Americans for properties confiscated by the Revolution 40 years ago.” Jerry A. Sierra, “Economic Embargo Timeline,” HistoryofCuba.com […]
“November 28 [2001]. For the 10th consecutive time the United Nations votes to condemn the 4-decade-old trade embargo by a vote of 167 to 3, with three nations abstaining. Voting for the embargo: U.S., Israel and the Marshall Islands.” [Con Embargo] Jerry A. Sierra, “Economic Embargo Timeline,” HistoryofCuba.com […]
“An October 2001 study produced by Texas A&M University for the Cuba Policy Foundation shows that Cuba is a potential annual U.S. agricultural export market of over $1.2 billion.” [The 15th of the month used for date sorting purposes only.] “Embargo Update: Overview of Recent Developments,” HavanaJournal.com, April 1, 2003 […]
“12/09/2001 Havana, September 11, the Cuban Government offered its airports on Tuesday for aircraft damaged in their transit due to the attacks on New York and Washington, as it expressed its condolences to the United States, and today [September 12th] it offered medical assistance to take care and rehabilitate the victims of the terrorist attacks […]
“17/08/2001 Washington, August 16, The U.S. people who traveled to Cuba ignoring the law that so prohibits it are not receiving letters from the Department of the Treasury demanding payment of fines that can amount to U.S.$ 55.000…” “George W. Bush (R). Timeline,” Cuba versus Blockade: Cuban People’s website, 2007 […]
“In July 2001, the House of Representatives voted 240-186 in support of a provision that would end enforcement of the travel ban and another similar vote is expected…” [The 15th of the month used for date sorting purposes only.] [Con Embargo] Ed Sanders & Patrick Long, “Economic Benefits to the United States from Lifting the […]
“24/06/2001 President Fidel Castro provides new details on the innocence of the Five Cuban patriots unjustly condemned in a rigged trial, which was politically manipulated by the Miami Cuban-American Mafia. He also denounces complicity of the U.S. government with terrorist acts against Cuba, which have killed hundreds of people from this country and third nations.” […]